Rigoberta Bandini

France only



MANAGEMENT : Fernando Yanez - Live In Dallas


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I am Rigoberta Bandini when I compose songs and I am Paula Ribo when I write, perform or direct theatre shows.

I was born in Barcelona in 1990. At the age of nine I began to compose songs with the intention of being Marisol, a somewhat old-fashioned reference.

For my generation that was a great incentive in my first creative impulse. Jeannette, Mocedades, Joan Manel Serrat, Albert Pla, Creedence and Roberto Carlos,

Among others, were also heard in my parents car. With the passage of time I have realised that all of them have conditioned my way of understanding music.

Later came my admiration for artists such as Franco Battiato, who not only create songs but, with their musical universe, inspire you and help you connect

With the mysterious, the intangible, the mystical.

I think I write songs to celebrate life and to find a point of communion between all of us. I like the feeling of uniting ourselves in vulnerability through music,

Talking about our weaknesses, our achievements, our smallness in the face of the vastness of the universe, our contradictions, our desire to dance,

Our desire to scream, of our most absurd fears, of the little control we have over our destiny, of the little things that makes feel great things.
